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比特币 out next in

1. DogeBack代币的下一步大举动

Big Next Step For Doge Back TokenIn an exciting move, the Doge Back team have announced today that they will be creating a secondary token, which will join the “Doge Back Ecosystem”.The Doge Back token created waves when it was released, the unique feature of paying out holders dividends in the form of DogeCoin being a huge success in the eyes of its holders.ETHBACK (EtherBack), a brand new to...


2. Serum路线图:第二部分

...Last time we checked in, (a) and (b) were there. Now, (c) and (d) are live, with (e) and (f) coming next week. So next week, Serum: Step 2 is going semi-officially live.It's time to come build.https://serum-academy.com/en/dex-list/ has a list of GUIs for a fast (~1 second settlement), cheap (~$0.00002 gas), on-chain DEX with orderbooks which is already among the most liquid in DeFi.http://sollet.i...


3. 【12.11国外百咖说:顺便学英语】以太坊GOOGLE搜索量创历史新低

...,这对于该项目当然不是一个好消息。<h5></h5><h5>IS BITCOIN FARING ANY BETTER?</h5>比特币的表现更好吗?When it comes to Bitcoin, the coin is enjoying a form of linear progression. Currently, BTC has around 10 out of 100 searches. Meanwhile, in 2016, it only had 2 or 3 out of every 100 searches.说到比特币,代币正在享受一种线性发展的形式。目前,BTC...


4. 那个曾持有 730 个 CryptoPunks 的匿名收藏大咖如何看 NFT 的价值?

...nks 时,您出于什么动机而拥有那么多 CryptoPunks?Mr.703:我在 2017 年时曾读到比特币区块链上有一个名为 Rare Pepes 的项目,当时我第一次了解到现在被称为「 NFT」 的这一新生事物:一个社区驱动的类似纸牌交易游戏,有人将 4chan 论坛的一个笑话变为了现实。与 4chan 的许多东西一样,它非常具有创新性...


5. Will Bitcoin Reach $4200 Before Stabilizing at $6900?

...en believe that $4,200 may fail to hold, leading to a further decline in the price of Bitcoin. <h2>Next Bitcoin Move Is Finely Balanced</h2> In the last 2 or 3 weeks, the price of Bitcoin has remained relatively constant, trading within a narrow range, according to statistics by CoinMarketCap. The stagnation period being experienced is likely the market preparing for any factor that will influe...


6. Beep币扑PlanB第六期2020加密市场Kyle你怎么看?

...资人Plan B:Beep重磅打造的一档原生大V对话区块链大咖的线上AMA节目导语:比特币减半,ETH2.0上线,Libra能否如期推出钱包?2020年注定会是加密货币行业里程碑的一年。关于2020年加密货币领域,你想知道的,你不能错过的,都在这里了!1月17日中午12点,Multicoin Capital的联合创始人,Kyle Samani将做客Beep币...


7. Beep币扑 Plan B第六期:2020加密市场-Kyle,你怎么看?

...资人Plan B:Beep重磅打造的一档原生大V对话区块链大咖的线上AMA节目导语:比特币减半,ETH2.0上线,Libra能否如期推出钱包?2020年注定会是加密货币行业里程碑的一年。关于2020年加密货币领域,你想知道的,你不能错过的,都在这里了!1月17日中午12点,Multicoin Capital的联合创始人,Kyle Samani将做客Beep币...


8. Patrick O'Grady 推文串

...or yourself (locally), you'll first need to download ava-sim: https://github.com/ava-labs/ava-sim…Next, run `./scripts/build.sh`. This will build AvalancheGo and Subnet-EVM.在本地创建Subnet EVM,首先需要下载ava-sim:https://github.com/ava-labs/ava-sim。接下来,运行`./scripts/build.sh`,创建AvalancheGo和Subnet EVM。10/ Once all the dependencies are build, you can then run...


9. VEMP如何将DefiGamingMetaverse集于一体并革新丨追风社AMA

...有 2.5% 左右。The emissions schedule 620M of the left over supply. Doesn’t even release until next year and when it does, it unlocks linearly until 2043, that’s 21 years.剩余供应的释放计划有620M个。 甚至直到明年才会发布,当它发布时,它会线性解锁,直到 2043 年,也就是 21 年。And then the circulating supply is 171M. So pretty much everything is lo...


10. MyTrade与KrystalAMA回顾

... community introducing MyTrade.Q2: What is MyTrade about in a few simple sentences?DZ: MyTrade is a next generation decentralized exchange that looks and feels like a centralized exchange with a wide variety of quality tradable assets. Takers will get the best price, and Makers enjoy 0% trading fees.MyTrade V2 can be deployed on all EVM-compatible chains and will be launching on Polygon soon.Q3: T...


11. 对话vEmpireDDAO:创新的元宇宙+DeFi

... project, in scope, is massive. There is no reason why with our roadmap and plans we can’t be the next biggest Metaverse project and we want our earliest exchanges and community to benefit from being early!主持人:感谢 嘉宾的精彩分享,收获满满!感谢大家按时收听!感谢媒体们对本次AMA的大力支持。好了,今天的AMA到这里就结束了。咱们下期再...


12. JOIN US | Chainlink中国团队期待您的加入

..., through an entirely new system of technologically enforced contract guarantees. Chainlink enables next-generation smart contracts that can be written about any/all events in the real world, the details of our approach can be found in our whitepaper. We are well recognized for providing highly secure and reliable blockchain connectivity to the world's largest enterprises such as Google, Oracle, S...


13. 区块链大型巡回播放第187期“公证通微信”



14. 深度解析NEAR的私密交易功能



15. 深度解析 NEAR 的私密交易功能

... 协议中增加对私密交易功能的支持。目前,在 NEAR 的平台上,所有交易都和比特币和以太坊一样,全部公开可查。也就是说,对于每笔交易,发起方、接收方和交易金额等信息都是对外公开的。采用这种方式能够保证每个人都有权利审计账簿,确认交易的有效性,同时还可以有效杜绝双花现象的发生。...
